To start a business you need a few basic things like an email address, website, and, depending on your marketing strategy, a social media account. 

Sounds straight forward right?

It is until you realize that the website builder isn’t compatible with the online store you want to use, or the online store you want to use and your email newsletter system will talk to each other, but only if you upgrade to a more expensive tier and so on and on and on @_@

Oh, and they all cost between $10-$25/month, which adds up *really* quickly.

Your patronage means we’ve been able to cover our:

  • Web Domain – $1.75/month
  • Email – $5/month
  • Social Media Management Software – $12.50/month
  • Online Store – $15/month

Which means we can dedicate more capital to bringing you high-quality, sustainable wines 🥂

❤️ Diana and Frank

Diana’s been away doing harvest the past few weeks, so Frank hit the beach solo this time. He found a random assortment of stuff on a beach called Cable Bay, including a very lost golf ball. This one is for Kyra and Robbie!